Are you ready to amplify

your greatness? 


If you’ve been feeling the call…

The call to something greater waiting to be revealed within you…

The call that you KNOW you’re capable of so much more and you can feel it stirring in there…

The call to follow your heart's desire and create a business that truly lights you up from the inside...


If you are a healer, meant to build a business by tapping into your innate, divine gifts...

doing what you truly love while having a profound impact on those who need you most...


THAT'S what I'm here for.

It's you.

You have such a big heart, sweet soul. And I see you.

You are loving and nurturing and have a deep desire to contribute to this big, wide world in a profound way.

You just get caught up sometimes and catch yourself wondering if you can actually get there on your own.

So if you currently find yourself craving support - someone to hold you through the inevitable messiness and challenges of upleveling - of moving forward confidently into the next phase of your journey - let me be the one to hold you through all of that. I promise we will achieve those big, bold dreams together.

Hi there!

I’m Leanne, Intuitive Strategist & Greatness Amplifier

My gift is in creating possibilities for others that didn’t exist before.

I am life force energy (I’m a Generator, if you know Human Design at all) and when the right energy mixes with mine, we are an unstoppable force and can move mountains. 

In a world where so many want to see us fail, and shoot down our “crazy” ideas, I want to see you succeed! I’m honored to support you and be alongside as you rise up and conquer those big, bold dreams.

Let’s move mountains together! 

We all need the loving support of those who can see the greatness within us.

It’s simply too hard to see our own genius. 

We all need someone there to lean on when we aren’t “feeling it”

and would rather NOT do the work and just stay in bed with Netflix all day (fun fact: I have seriously done a call with a client in her bed and we still got the same results by the end of the call!).

We all need someone who will grant us the permission we need to bravely take the next step,

knowing we have the tether firmly attached and won’t actually plummet to our death.

Some of my magic is a deep knowing of what you need to succeed.

I am able to see a clear path to achieve your potential and help you navigate that path by finding and coordinating with the right people (connection is one of my core values and guiding principles), filling in the gaps where needed, pushing you and making you accountable for the small things that will add up to have the greatest impact. 

The Work:

We'll work together for 6 months. This gives us time to work through the gremlins that pop up and is enough time to really see results.

Weekly meetings are helpful in a coaching scenario for multiple reasons:

For one, some of us tend to procrastinate a bit and so a loving nudge or reminder is endlessly helpful. ;-)

For two, I find it extremely helpful to rebalance, re-center, and have that time to simply check in with the self and our goals. 

Often these weekly calls are so good for the soul and so good for that jolt to “get shit done” again - especially when we’re feeling out of alignment or like “but I just wanna sit here and pretend I don’t have work to do this week!” (said with my best whiny voice).

I include a numerology blueprint in our work together so I can understand your numbers and how your energy works so we can work WITH your energy throughout our time together. We will also pay attention to how you interact with Universal energy so we can make more informed decisions on best days to work vs. play etc! (This is one of my personal favorite ways to use numerology daily)

There are so many things we can do when we work together. Not all businesses are created equal and not all will require the same systems. This isn’t a cookie cutter program for everyone out there because I recognize your unique sparkle. Below is a sampling of ways we can conquer your dreams but, really, it’s up to you and what you need that dictates our trajectory.


There are so many things we can do when we work together. Not all businesses are created equal and not all will require the same systems. This isn’t a cookie cutter program for everyone out there because I recognize your unique sparkle. Below is a sampling of ways we can conquer your dreams but, really, it’s up to you and what you need that dictates our trajectory.

The Process:

  1. Before we begin, I’ll do your numerology blueprint so we know what energies we’re working with!
  2. We start with an in-depth deep dive into your business. You tell me everything you can/want to so I can get a good clear picture.
  3. We’ll talk through and create a list of goals/opportunities for growth, clarity and expansion that we will work on during our time together.
  4. We meet weekly for 60 minutes a week for the remainder of our time together to uplevel your work and your life!

In between our weekly calls, here are some additional ways we might end up working on things or partnering to get shit DONE:

  • List item
  • List item

My most favorite moments are ones where I get to see my clients’ lives change before my eyes.

Where they realize a goal or a dream has been brought forth...

Where they suddenly see their face splashed all over promo docs or are able to get off government assistance...

Those calls where you start out with low energy and feeling generally crappy but by the end of the call you leave jazzed, excited, and lit up to reach out to potential clients or finally post that thing on social media that you’ve been putting off...

Those moments are everything to me.

(In fact, those types of moments might actually be everything to you, too, because you’re probably a lot like me; and, like me, you might crave someone like yourself to hold the vision for you… how’s that for a brain twister?!)

It's time, my love,

for you to step - fully supported - into your greatness!

I hold the vision and the container for you. So when you falter or doubt or stumble...

I'm there to support you.

Let's get the conversation started